When I first saw this item my mind went back to my childhood. I can vividly remember traveling on what seemed like endless trips in our family "boat". Actually it was a Buick LeSabre 1963. To a kid the interior seemed as big as a room in the house. At the time I did not realize how frugal(cheap) my parents were. Looking back I can see many lessons they taught me on how to save money.
One was an item very much like this one, which is called an Auto Beverage Warmer. We always had one on our car for long trips. Neither my mother nor my father could survive for more than a few hours without drinking a cup of coffee. They also grew up in a time, the Great Depression, where they had to conserve every way the could to survive. They rarely purchased coffee, at restaurants or convenience stores like we do today. They packed coffee, cups, spoons, sugar, creamer, and whatever items they needed to make their own as the traveled, with the help of their 1960's era water warmer.
Experts say the best way to exercise is to work out your arms and legs at the same time. That gives the best results in the shortest period of time. Working arms and legs at the same burns more calories, increases cardio conditioning and increases your results in the shortest period of time.
The Mini Stepper is a very easy way to get a whole body work out in a quick and easy way. See a demonstration below.
A large number of microwave ovens fail sooner than expected because of overheating capacitors, switches, or fuses. A capacitor or fuse can cost as little as 5 bucks but can shut down a microwave completely. While the part is usually very inexpensive, it is generally not feasible to try to repair because it is so complicated to locate the failed part and then to replace it.
I have discovered a simple trick to operating a microwave that will greatly extend the life of a microwave.
The secret to longevity of a microwave is to-----
Most people open the door while the microwave is still running or while it is beeping to notify the timer has ended. This is the one mistake most people make that shortens the life span of most microwaves. When you open the door prior to pressing the stop button, it causes capacitors to overheat. Over time, they fail. This is a major reason microwave ovens fail.
The remedy is to always press the stop button before you open the door. Even if the time has ended, and it is beeping, go ahead and press the stop button.
Sunday, January 12, 2014
January 12, 2014
This is One Cheap Dad's very first blog. OCD has owned a computer and has been on the web for several years. This is the first attempt to set up and use a blog. OCD will attempt to learn how to add content such as photos and videos.
OCD wants to use this weblog as a platform to assist in posting content to the other sites, such as Facebook, Google+, Youtube, and Twitter. It is OCD understanding that when content is posted on this blog, it can also be shared and posted on other sites and pages at the same time.
OCD is hoping that is the case so as to minimize time and effort necessary to post to several different sites.
https://www.facebook.com/cheapdad https://plus.google.com/100928448073865522553/posts https://twitter.com/onecheapdad http://www.youtube.com/OneCheapDad