Tuesday, August 26, 2014

Kellie Copeland Swisher

Wikibin - Kellie Copeland Swisher


I feel that Kellie should get married, stay happily married for 38 years, work through her marital problems day after day, year after year, then that will give her the right as well as the knowledge to preach to me about marriage and family.
 Someone who worked for the Copeland's at some point in time, verified on my blog that this will be Kellie's 3rd divorce. 3rd divorce and by my count 5th child from a broken home. The Copeland's are great at telling me what I should do and how to do it, but they seem to have another standard for themselves. Feel free to comment or post on my blog. - onecheapdad Kellie Copeland Swisher - Type that into google and my blog will be first on the list.


  1. This photo was posted on Kellie Copeland's Instagram account, commanderkellie. She is not wearing a wedding ring. There are no photos of her husband, Stephen Swisher, posted on the account since April 2014

    1. She isn't telling anyone what to do...She however is telling you what the Bible says we should do. Is she perfect? NO, she isn't and I've never heard her say she is! She is human and makes mistakes just like the rest of us. Her private life is her own business and her sins or mistakes are between her and God! She is not condemning anyone! People, take the time and read and study your Bible and ask God to come into your heart and ask him for guidance! How you live, what you do, the mistakes you make are between you and him.....Don't look to any human regardless of who he or she is for perfection and or all the answers! Do your own work, don't condemn others for any reason! Let God take care of it. Do your best, that's all he asks, except that you receive Jesus as Savior! Pray for everyone, we all need it! God bless you all!

    2. Thanks Diane, you said it all. people does not realize that Kellie, is still the apple of God' eyes and that they'd leave her alone to works out her own salvation with Him...

    3. Point your finger at someone, look at how many fingers are pointing back at you. Stop being a hater

    4. This has to be horribly painful for the whole Copeland and Swisher families. Has reality tv and all the garbage that it has spawned in our day made us so callous and unfeeling as to comment on this as if these people are just actors in some daytime soap opera? Shame on us for dissecting it like a frog in a high school bio lab!!! Mind your own business, I am sure it will become public if and when they decide to make it so, until then, they all deserve our prayers and compassion!!!

    5. You said it, Nell. I am adevoted Christian and know that my private life is fraught with examples of my personal trials. You know Hosea married Gomer and it was ordained so. But sometimes others in the relationship don't cooperate. I can only control one half. My half.

    6. It is so very easy to pass judgement on others but people in glass houses shouldn't throw stones. We have no idea what her situation is or what is going on in her or her families lives. It is not up to us to judge her that is to be left in God's hands. But we as a human race seem to find pleasure in pointing out others faults and persecuting them while in denial of our own. Relationships in general are hard and yes we should all try to work through our issues with one another but sometimes things do not go according to plan. We are infallible that's why we need a savior to save us, mostly from ourselves. If we were perfect we would have had no need for Jesus to give his life for us. You would be suprised at the wisdom that comes from very painful situations in people's lives. Would it be better if her marriages had worked? Of course, but does that make her any less in need of compassion? No. Don't be so quick to pass judgement on others because I can assure you that whatever measure you measure out it will be measured back to you. I don't say this to condemn you but only to make you aware that we do have a Father that does disciple his children. We should all strive to have more compassion for people whatever they are going through because one day we may need that same compassion for ourselves.

    7. She is a much better person than me, closer to God than me, hears His voice better than me. And she is not at all accountable to me, and I still learn from her

  2. This photo was posted Stephen Swisher's Facebook account, Dr. Stephen Swisher. He is not wearing a wedding ring. There has not been any photos of his wife Kellie Copeland Swisher pretty much the whole year 2014.

    1. Mr Swisher's latest photo from yesterday is wearing a ring and so is a recent one of Kellie - gives hope...

    2. you cant just make a statement lie that. your a false teacher you won t even identify yourself

    3. you cant just make a statement lie that. your a false teacher you won t even identify yourself

  3. It appears there has been an "online" separation of Dr. Stephen Swisher and Kellie Copeland Swisher. This "public online" separation appears to have occurred sometime since the spring of 2014.
    They have not been posting photos of each other on their respective social media pages and web sites since the spring of 2014.
    Both have posted photos of themselves on their own sites, during the fall of 2014, not wearing wedding rings.
    Kellie also has a twitter page as well, and again no recent photos of her husband.
    Kellie seems to be very actively posting photos of herself on Instagram and Twitter, pictured with most of her family members, except her current husband.
    Also in the spring/summer 2014 time frame, the Facebook site that was knows as Dr. Stephen and Kellie Swisher, suddenly changed to Dr. Stephen Swisher. There was no reason given for the change.
    I guess the next logical question is, is this just an online, social media separation, or are they really separated in real life?

  4. This comment has been removed by the author.

  5. (web-line) August 8, 2014 http://www.lovelandmagazine.com/2014/08/rev-dr-stephen-swisher-new-senior-pastor-at-epiphany-united-methodist.html
    Rev. Dr. Stephen Swisher is appointed Senior Pastor at Epiphany United Methodist in Miami Township, Ohio. While there is a photo of Stephen and Kellie together, however, based on the size of their child in the photo, it is a photo from at least a year prior to the date of the article. The story is very vague concerning Stephen and Kellie and their family. It mentions that Kellie is actively working at "a Texas Based Ministry" indicating she is not living in Ohio.
    It appears that Rev. Dr. Stephen has given some clues as to the status of his marriage. He is quoted in the article as saying, "Please keep (me) in your prayers, during the next several weeks of (transition). Those key word (me) indicates he is now single, or at least working his ministry without the help of his wife. He asked for prayers for himself, not he and his wife, and family. And the key word (transition) may indicate a change in his marriage.
    While the article is vague, it does give some very telling clues about the Swisher family. Clues indicating they are separated as a family, certainly, geographically, and most likely martially.

    1. Still states he is married on FB page- hope it can be worked out!

  6. they are divorcing

    1. Why?! That's so sad. They seemed fine on social media in May then an apparent sudden split

  7. I cannot tell you. my source works for them and had to sign a confidential agreement.. yes it is sad, they have that beautiful child to raise.

  8. Yes sad, feel for the daughter - still am praying

  9. Mary, that's truly wonderful of you. and even if a divorce does go through, God can still restore.

  10. Stephen pastors our church here in Loveland, Ohio. Never mentions Kellie. Has Emily every other week. Took a "sabbatical" in July which our entire church speculates was to finalize their divorce. We all just wish he would be honest with us. Definitely a fishy situation from both sides.

    1. it really isn't fishy. they have just chosen to keep it private. i do agree with you, he should be transparent with his very own congregation.

  11. Just noticed that previous comments regarding his birthday pics have been removed. Comments That Asked "Wheres kelly", "Why Is Kelly Not there", So Insulting To Hide Such Obvious Divorcing Situation.

    1. it's probably painful to talk about. they both married with godly intentions and things just soured.

  12. is Emily as cute in person as she is in her photos. what a little treasure. I remember the day I heard they were expecting. time does fly.

  13. What is sad is the whole Copeland clan has been divorced so many times. Maybe they need to break from preaching and get with God themselves and focus on their own families. We all fall down but you have to stop at some point when things are falling apart and get priorities in order. Love these folks, want to see them practice some of what God has taught them, so they can heal their marriages and families.

    1. Families are not first, God is. There are many reasons things don't work out and divorce is not an unforgivable sin. Kathryn Kuhlman, Aimee Simple McPherson were divorced numerous times. A divorce doesn't disqualify one from teaching the Truth. In fact, too many marriages are together for the "sake" of staying together. That is surely NOT putting God first. A relationship for the "sake" of a relationship requires attention and focus that puts God out of first place. Having a good marriage relationship requires two people fully committed to and seeking God first and then together. If a mistake is made in marrying and takes you out of living fully for the purpose God intends, you need to call it a mistake and move on in to the things God has for you.

    2. oh you are right. divorce isn't the unforgiveable sin. every situation is different; not everything is cookie cutter. there are times when a person should step down from the ministry for the sake of their marriage and other times (such as Moses and Sephorah) where Sephorah couldn't handle the calling on Moses's life and they split up. he remarried an Ethiopian.

      thank you, Linda, for sharing your wisdom. !

    3. We are not their judges perhaps we should be studying our own Bibles so God can repair our lives I know plenty of people who are miserable but refuse to divorce my own parents and one of my siblings does this make them better than the person who divorced? I found out my ex husband had numerous affairs he refused to stop refused counseling should I have stayed married and continued to be exposed to the possible diseases he was opening both of us up to? Pray for these people instead of being smug about how many divorces have happened in their family... judge not lest he be judged

  14. What is sad is the whole Copeland clan has been divorced so many times. Maybe they need to break from preaching and get with God themselves and focus on their own families. We all fall down but you have to stop at some point when things are falling apart and get priorities in order. Love these folks, want to see them practice some of what God has taught them, so they can heal their marriages and families.

    1. well, it's a real shame and my heart goes out to Kelly. I feel sorry for her. My only objection is that i heard Ms Gloria say "take authority over divorce". Don't let the devil come in and steal. Not only did she say this, she came down rather hard..

      now they expect mercy yet they don't show it to others.

      divorce is rampid in our culture, which is unfortunatel. the average person doesn't raise an eyebrow at it anymore.

      it's just that they can be so hard on others with divorce, sickness, etc; which is where i have a problem with them.

      if you want compassion; sow compassion toward others.

    2. Compassion includes stating the Truth. One must take authority over divorce, no doubt. The devil is the one behind any divorce...it's stealing. However, the devil may have been the one behind the idea of marrying that person to get you off your purpose. Sowing compassion may well come in the form of telling them the Truth when no one else will.

    3. I agree with you Linda. Truth is truth. And compassion really has nothing to do with truth. Kindness yes but not compassion. Compassion is when you are moved to show someone the truth to set him or her free. Again you have to work together.

  15. Linda, i understand your point. nevertheless, most people marry 'thinking' that is who/what God has for them. A divorce is heart breaking and the last thing you need is condemnation.

    Supposedly Bro Copeland sought the Lord and the Lord told him Stephen Swisher was Kellie's husband. you can order their DVD's when they introduced Swisher to their partners.

    Well, Bro, Copeland is human.
    he doesn't alwasy get it right.

    Compassion is also mercy. we all need mercy from time to time in our lives.

    God bless you Linda and thank you for your input !

  16. Divorce is painful, and no one should be compelled to tell the reasons why. However, those in ministry who cannot be forthright and at least acknowledge IT HAS HAPPENED is a completely different story. No one is asking for explanations, but everyone does expect honesty. Especially from those who are in "ministry" and holding "women's conferences".

    1. i understand how you feel and it makes a lot of sense. but it could be too painful for them to speak about it. i think everyone has pretty much figured it out by now. on his Facebook, Dr. Swisher says he is the father of Emily, the son of...and pastor. no mention of Kellie.

      but i understand your point of view. especially since Gloria Copeland has, from the pulpit, gotten hard on divorce yet this is her daughter's third. kind of puts a sour taste in a person's mouth.

      i wish all 3 of them the best; Steve, Kellie and Emily.

  17. Gloria and Brother Copeland are right about taking authority, and God did tell Brother Copeland that Swisher was the one. But we all have to remember God has a plan for all of us and He tells us to use our authority, but everyone has a will and choices.
    They are two adult people and we don't know what happened, but someone or both decided to not take authority and not follow God's plan for their lives. God just doesn't kick you out - He is long suffering and compassionate. So pray for them that they will hear the Lord and walk in His perfect plan.

    1. Kenneth Copeland is a false teacher. Word of Faith theology is a false Gospel. Sorry to burst your bubble.

    2. people have opinions. i don't agree with that statement; i don't consider him a false prophet.

    3. No, FAITH is the substance of things hoped for." "Without faith, It is impossible to please GOD!!!" Ken IS a man of GOD...

    4. i don't consider him a false prophet either but people have their opinions. He is just a man, he isn't perfect, but God has used him in a mighty way. He's done much to further the Kingdom of God.

  18. Gloria and Brother Copeland are right about taking authority, and God did tell Brother Copeland that Swisher was the one. But we all have to remember God has a plan for all of us and He tells us to use our authority, but everyone has a will and choices.
    They are two adult people and we don't know what happened, but someone or both decided to not take authority and not follow God's plan for their lives. God just doesn't kick you out - He is long suffering and compassionate. So pray for them that they will hear the Lord and walk in His perfect plan.

  19. I don't know the situation well enough to really give a comment on this topic. I grew up watching all of the Super Kid Academy movies and grew up hearing Pastor Kenneth Copeland. Every time I go through some type of situation that I feel is hard for me. The songs that they have written and certain scriptures that they highlighted in the movie will pop in the my head. Honestly, if it wasn't for Kellie Copeland creating the Super Kids; I wouldn't know where I would be. I know my relationship with God would be close to nothing.

    I remember in the Armor of Light. One of the kid's made a mistake in their life and felt that condemnation had a right to control him. The message that I get out of it every time; is that we are going to be forgiven.

    I am not as old as most of the people probably are on this blog; but it hurts me to read about someone that I still look up to and in a slight way get persecuted. No matter how much we want to justify what we say. I just want everyone to know that through the ministry that the Copeland's built, not only saved my life. I was there when my friends, family, sisters, and even kids that I disliked, turned their faith to God. I remember every time a child to my house that didn't know God. I would run to our movie selection and play the Super Kids knowing by the time they were finished watching. They would love the God I serve just as much as I did.

    It's none of our business to try and justify what happened. It's not our place to do research and didn't God speak about those who gossip? We aren't even suppose to judge. In the Judgement of Commander Kellie; she said that she didn't care what was being told about her or the "crimes" that she was being accused for meant nothing because the One Whose opinion mattered the most died for her.

    That's what I find so wrong in the Christian community. We are so quick to judge. Maybe their situation is part of God's plan for someone that He has been trying to reach. Just like Hosea marrying a prostitute, or Sarah marrying her half brother Abraham, or a virgin having a child without a father. All of these are great examples, of unfortunate situations but God worked through every single one to touch millions of lives by their story.

    1. Megan, right on! We preach grace and mercy. I too have been forever changed specifically thru Kellie's ministry and I am older than she. God uses the broken vessels and not a one of us is perfect, we all need Jesus. I dont know enough about the Copelands--thank GOD!--but to know they have prayed for me and sent me materials to help me through situations, and I have met Kellie very extremely briefly twice. Thank you for voicing this out! Its none of our business, but to pray and to encourage one another.

    2. I thought I better add that I said, "thank God I didnt know the Copelands" because I wouldnt want to say anything bad. I have been so blessed thru their work and prayers.

    3. I thought I better add that I said, "thank God I didnt know the Copelands" because I wouldnt want to say anything bad. I have been so blessed thru their work and prayers.

    4. Way to go!Megan you have wisdom!

    5. I agree with you totally Megan Bridges. The Copelands helped me tremendously through life problems, too. I was thinking the same thing you wrote about judgment before I read what you wrote. I am not signed in, so I don't know how I will show up. My name is Bonnie Coley and I am on Google.

  20. Megan, you have a sweet and tender heart. personally i couldn't care less. It's none of my business. my only objection was how HARD the Copeland's once were towards divorce and they now need mercy. This is Kellie's third divorce. but again, i really don't care. Hopefully this will challenge them to sow mercy towards others. And I am also a huge fan of Kellie's and wish her nothing but the best God has to offer. Again, i appreciate your kind and tender heart.

  21. Megan, you have a sweet and tender heart. personally i couldn't care less. It's none of my business. my only objection was how HARD the Copeland's once were towards divorce and they now need mercy. This is Kellie's third divorce. but again, i really don't care. Hopefully this will challenge them to sow mercy towards others. And I am also a huge fan of Kellie's and wish her nothing but the best God has to offer. Again, i appreciate your kind and tender heart.

  22. Replies
    1. You are taking that scripture out of context. If Copeland kills someone, will you quote the same scripture? Wow! Ignorant.

  23. no one is judging anyone. THEY are the ones who come down hard on others. if you had faith, you wouldn't be going through this. now they need mercy; therefore they should sow it. i really don't care. i hope all goes well for everyone involved.

    1. Word of faith is false gospel. It's not the gospel the Apostles preached. It's a blend of Chrisitan Science, New Age and Pentecostalism. It's bad. Destroys lives. I got free 15 years ago and didn't look back.

    2. i wish you well. In HIM we live and move and have our being !

  24. I know Dr. Swisher and worked with him. He is a person of high moral character. I knew it was a mistake when he got involved with the Copeland's family and ministry but didn't want to interfere with his personal life. Seeing as Kellie has a high divorce count. I'm sure she was the problem. I'm sure she didn't want to submit and become the dutiful wife. She wanted to maintain her own "ministry" and loves the limelight of being a Copeland. Swisher loves the Methodist church. Don't get me wrong. Methodist church has its problems for sure. I doubt she wanted to leave the Word of Faith world to be the loyal Methodist pastors wife and serve in some non-famous church in the middle of Ohio. Plus, I think Swisher saw the dirty side of the Copeland's ministry and tried to make some changes which were not acceptable to the Godfather..I mean Kenneth Copeland. This I am sure lead to some marital tensions. In the end Kellie, I am sure sided with daddy. The source of her income and status as Christian royalty. Swisher is a decent guy. I will say his one flaw is that he has stars in his eyes as well. Wants to be famous. Just check out his facebook page with the constant stream of pics with celebrties. How he knows all of these people is beyond me. I have no idea how you make these many connections with famous singers and actors. How you get on set with so many tv productions is beyond me. I still love him and think he is a person of high moral character with this one flaw of wanting to be a famous preacher. I'm glad he got a wonderful daughter out of the deal. I remember Kellie coming to the Methodist church he worked at one day to hear him preach before their marriage. I had know idea who she was until I did the old google search. I do feel for him but not her or the Copeland family. They are wolves in sheeps clothing who preach an unbiblical gospel. I could say more but that's enough. Swisher is great! Love him! Wish he would have never got involved with those people.

    1. I wanted to add one more comment. I think Dr. Swisher believed he could handle that world/word of faith because of his education and pastoral experience. He was wrong. He was completely outmatched. He only knows Methodism. The word of faith world is nothing like Methodism. Totally different set of rules. I'm sure he loved Kellie but she needed a trophy husband for her image. Sounds weird and sort of a reverse from the trophy wife. There was a mutual benefit. She got the esteemed and educated minister from mainstream Christianity to use for her image and he got access to the tv cameras and a built in audience for his ministry to grow. I think he honestly saw it as a God moment. I am sure he did love or fell in love with Kellie but there was other benefits. At the end of the day this is my gut feeling on the situation based on what I know and saw. Yes, I am posting as unknown but I am more in the know than the rest of the posters on this comment board.
      I haven't spoken to him in years by the time this is posted. He is always in my thoughts and prayers. Once again. Good guy just flawed like the rest of us.

    2. This comment has been removed by the author.

    3. In order to judge a case righteously, you must know every sordid detail. You don't. This makes you a corrupt judge and one full of speculation and slander. I pray for your soul. You should shudder at what God says about a tale bearer.

    4. This comment has been removed by the author.

    5. I think even if you had worked with someone, we don't really know them well. You did however identify a quite narcissistic traits of his personality which can be difficult for anyone to live with.

  25. This comment has been removed by the author.

  26. For many years I listened to the teachings of the KCM team. I had some misgivings about this ministry, however back in early 2000. This happened when I wrote a letter to the ministry regarding a ministry I believed the Lord had called me to. I received a letter back from the ministry congratulating me with an added comment..."we however would not be able to support you..." I thought it odd that a ministry who teaches prosperity and sowing seed would not be able to give back to one of its "partners." The irony is that I did not even try to solicit support. I was just sharing my passion for ministry also.

    Since that day I began questioning this ministry. It was difficult because I thought the Kenneth Copeland family to be honorable. However, I began to move away from him and other Word of Faith teachers and preachers. I did continue to listen and watch on TV but I did so with more scrutiny.

    My research continued on the TBN and Word of Faith ministers. Last year I discovered that Kenneth Copeland is a freemason. When I read books and articles on what freemasonry is, I completely cut my ties with him and his ministry. I discovered other teachers and preachers that go far beyond Word of Faith and TBN that are freemasons. There are many in the Southern Baptist community that are also.

    I don't find it surprising that the marriage record of Kellie Copeland is as such given the Copeland association with freemasonry. You can't have one foot in the world and one foot in the kingdom of God and expect his blessing on your life and family. Let's just pray that the Copeland family will get straightened out and get their relationship right with the Lord.

    1. Do you have any idea how many people write to KCM for support. They cannot say yes to everyone. It would appear that your problem is that you are offended at not receiving their support. I am sure you do not tell everyone yes who asks something of you. And I can say beyond a shadow of doubt that Kenneth Copeland is NOT a free mason. When tornadoes touched down in my area several years ago, KCM was the first to call to see if we were okay and needed anything at all NOT just prayers. They provide Bibles and materials for our church prison ministry free of cost every year for many years. Be careful NOT to judge God's servant. I have partnered with several ministries and I can tell you first hand KCM is a cut above the rest. Get the offense of not being supported out of your heart and know that if God called you to do something, He will finance it His way. God bless you in your endeavors...

    2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  27. thank you for your honest as well as kind remarks. are you sure about the free masonry ?

  28. Howdy!

    Someone passed along the link to your blog entry about Kellie's third marriage/divorce, so I stopped by to see what was said. I am familiar with the family, and once wrote a book about KCM's Hurricane Katrina efforts, with the cooperation of Kenneth Copeland. It was their fraud over money raised to start a new ministry that caused me to break clean from them all and to expose many of their issues publicly.

    I can add quite a bit of information to your discussion by simply providing the link to our own article page on their family's history, to include the many divorces of Copeland family members, etc. Documentation is provided, as well. We update this page periodically when new information comes to light, and Kellie's third divorce was the most recent addition:


    I hope this helps. :)

    Always in Jesus,

    - Rich Vermillion

    1. Dear Brother, i just hope you aren't vengeful or bitter. Guard your heart against it, it just isn't worth it.

      I feel sorry for Kellie. I know someone who knows her and works for the ministry. she says Kellie is one of the sweetest humans you could ever meet. as the expression goes, unlucky at love. but she's blessed in other ways.

  29. By The Way, i noticed in KCM's new issue of the BVOV magazine, that Kellie has dropped the name 'Swisher'...she's back to just Kellie Copeland. I wish her the best.

  30. I was shocked yesterday when I watched Kenneth Copeland on TV at the end of the program when Kellie Swisher said that she is Kellie Copeland and I didn't see a wedding ring on her finger. I don't know what it is like to go through marriage or divorce. You never want to hear or see anyone filing for divorce. I'm keeping the Copeland family and Swisher family in my prayers!


  31. very kind of you Paul. I personally like Kellie and feel sorry that she has experienced the horror of divorce, not once or twice but three times. it's heartbreaking. she is surrounded by people who love her.

  32. I just watched the Believers Voice broadcast. Kellie and Gloria were hosting, and I too noticed that Kellie was addressed as simply Copeland. Curiosity led me to Google which led me to this page.

    Divorce is sad. It's forfeited ground to Satan. When Gloria pointed that out it was not from a heart of condemnation, but rather to light a fire under our soul to fight. Albeit sad, Kellie's divorce no more disqualifies her parents from being used by God, than Adam and Eve's sin disqualified God as a Good Father. I don't know why Kellie divorced, but I'm certain she is acutely aware of the apparent incongruence between it and her faith. I'm certain she's asking the same questions of God that we, who aren't on tv, ask in difficult situations, when we thought we heard God.

    It bears reminding - many divorces arent a mutual agreement. You can't make anyone stay with you. You can't make them love you. You can't change them. But God! Jesus will stay. He will never leave. We don't have to make Him love us. And He's willing and available to renew our minds, which will transform our behavior and decisions. God does not wait to use us once we've been totally transformed, if there's even such a thing. He takes us from faith to faith. And with every new faith level, we are to share and encourage others with our hard lessons learned and the sweet revelations of His grace, compassion, and promises of restoration.

    For those who believe they are called, of sorts, to "expose" ministries like the Copelands, dedicated blogs are not the way. Such applied energies smell malicious, whether intentional or not. No, your greatest, your sharpest weapon is a prayer of blessings. Every time you bless them, you wage war in the spirit realm. Every time you bless someone, God has to realign that persons thinking, their actions, their life to receive and walkout that blessing - that truth spoken over them.

    We are more powerful and better equipped than the enemy of our soul. We have a seat in the courts of heaven. And the judge is our Father, and He tends to show preferential treatment for His children. We don't have to fight with the enemy's substandard weapons. All we have to do is talk with our Father. That's not weak and it's not passive. It's our trump card! It's the best use of our access to and influence with our heavenly Dad. It's a power move!!

    Father, I bless the work of every hand behind every thought represented on this site. For your glory Lord, please prosper everything that they assign their heart energy. Give them a holy boldness and divine confidence to speak truth in love. Bless their children's children's children, that they may never know divorce, but walk out and enjoy the fullness of marriage that you gifted us back in the Garden of Eden. Bless the Copeland family and their ministry. I thank You that no heart break, no tear is wasted in You. That, for Your glory, Lord, You will turn every tragedy into a testimony to bless our lives. There is no contradiction in Your Word. May our lives reflect Your Word. In Jesus name, AMEN!

    I pray you all have a fantastic week!
    Rhonda Cheatham

    1. Thank you for posting this Rhonda. I think that people who are one this sight looking for someone to condemn would be better if they were renewing their minds with the word of God rather than looking for someone to criticize. Kenneth and Gloria Copeland are not responsible for the decisions their daughter and son in law make. I am sure that this is heart breaking to them to see these things happen. The people posting the negative comments may not have done the same thing that they are speaking about , but it is written " let him who is without sin cast the first stone,"
      May the God of all Glory show you His love and compassion,

    2. amen. may all of us, including the Copeland's, come into a greater revelation of His love/mercy/compassion.

    3. Great reply Rhonda, His grace and Word do not change, but all of us still have failings that He's working on.

    4. Rhonda, how powerful! Thank you for your prayer and advice.

    5. Rhonda, how powerful! Thank you for your prayer and advice.

  33. There are scriptures that plainly state that if you can't keep your family in order or together then you do not hold an office of a leader in the church. So him and her need to give up there jobs in the church. And if this is Kelly's third than its time she looks at herself and stop blaming someone else.

  34. Don't get wrong i have been married a few times myself. But am not in front of people as a teacher. She is a vary pretty woman so there will be someone new soon.

    1. you're right again, i doubt she will be single for long.

    2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  35. i understand your point, Eddie, it's a good one. unfortunately (i don't know if this was Kellie's case or not) but a lot of women are deceived into thinking that having a man will fix everything. Kellie may be able to reach out to people that you and i can't.

  36. Dear Father, bless this page and all on it and reveal to them the importance of minding their own business. Allow them to look to you for correction and guidance on this and please reveal to them that public personalities have and are entitled to private triumphs and private failures. It is imperative that this world starts looking in the mirror and keeps their own homes clean and grass green. Please Lord also further instill in them the common sense to look at other teachers of the word, if the ones being noted here are triggering intuitive red flags. Thank you for further making it clear that judgements are your domain. In Jesus' name, Amen.

  37. Hi All,

    We're not the one to jump to conclusions and judge, leave all judgment to God. One doesn't knew what really happen maybe just say maybe it's the will of God. In other word Kellie is a beautiful soul at heart, just don't cast or place any judgment on her she's still the Lord anointed, if you know the Word of God, remember what David say about Saul, Saul life was in his hand and he stated I wont touch the Lord anointed, for he know if he does at that time the judgments of the God's would be on him and his house, it's best for your own sake that you all leave the Kellie and the Copeland alone. Leave all judging to God...

    Also check out your own heart and life, before God is it in the right place, if not why not make it right with Him?

    Bless you all

  38. frankly, i couldn't care less. it's just the Copelands have a history of being hard on others....don't let the devil steal your marriage..that sort of thing. so what happened with Kellie, her marriage stolen 3 different times. if you want to receive mercy, you need to sow it. but again, really don't care.

    1. As far as I can tell the Copelands encourage us to speak the truth found in scripture over our situations. I don't feel they are hard on me, but show how the Word should be used. However, it doesn't mean that their siblings can or do all live like that. I'm still learning how to be more Christ like, and my guess is, so are they. Being in the public eye makes them even more a target, smite the shepherd...... So we really need to speak protection over them.

  39. The Anointing is without repentance. ..in other words,our humanity is something we walk through but the Anointing is from God. Look at the examples in the Bible...except Jesus, all are flawed in their soul realm. That's why Jesus had to come. He covers our sin. When we repent is up to us, but, when we do, He forgives and forgets our sin. Onlookers do not always understand another's walk. It's amazing to me how we can all hear the same message and hear something different. I think it has to do with where we are in OUR walk, that's why we need a personal relationship (not religion) with a personal God. Only He can show you what you need to know about a situation...
    After reading this, I realize the enemy is trying to heap condemnation, confusion, hatred...his usual scheme. But, God! I pray that He will turn around what the devil meant for evil, that the eyes of our understanding will be enlightened and that we will be filled with spiritual wisdom and revelation knowledge of Him and that we all will know the Hope of His calling, in Jesus name

  40. I have never seen the Copelands critisize anyone. Let he who is without sin cast the first stone. What about the people who have been saved by his ministry? Will anyone ever see good? Anyone willing to do the work of the ministry the way the man of God, Kenneth Copeland does? We should be honoring the men of God. Unity in the body of Christ with love for one another so that the world will know that we are the body of Christ because we have love one for another.

  41. I have never seen the Copelands critisize anyone. Let he who is without sin cast the first stone. What about the people who have been saved by his ministry? Will anyone ever see good? Anyone willing to do the work of the ministry the way the man of God, Kenneth Copeland does? We should be honoring the men of God. Unity in the body of Christ with love for one another so that the world will know that we are the body of Christ because we have love one for another.

    1. Diana King, I'm with you 100 percent, people should stop casting stones and check their own heart to see if it's in the right place with God!

    2. you know something, it's not about casting stones. I have heard both Kenneth and Gloria be hard on people. Bro. Copeland going as far as to call someone 'hay you dummy'...and Gloria is hard. yet they want compassion
      and mercy when they blow it but they don't give it to others. you reap what you sow.

    3. Cecilia, Kenneth and Gloria are not the ones divorcing or missing it. They aren't missing it because of of their kids acts outside of what and how they preach.

    4. Suzi, i heard Gloria say, in a very harsh manner, YOU TAKE AUTHORITY OVER DIVORCE. so how come they don't ? many listening to that message may be wounded by a divorce they didn't want. i watched my own sister go through that. you are already wounded and now condemnation is heaped on you. they need to sow mercy.

  42. in this day and age, no one raises an eyebrow at divorce even towards those in the ministry. it's just the message they preach and their own life is contrary to what they preach. hopefully they will mature in this area.

  43. The fact that Gloria and Kenneth speak out against divorce is not being hypocritical and it's not coming down hard on Kellie or anyone else. I'm sure they did not want their daughter to get any of those divorces. I have 4 daughters and if any of them divorce I'll be unhappy about it. But I won't turn them away or harp at them constantly. But it also won't change my own views on divorce and if I were a preacher, I'd also preach against it. There are 2 people involved in a divorce and often times those personalities simply refuse to find the common ground needed to foster love.

  44. in this day and age, no one really cares. but sow compassion towards others. other ministers will say 'we endorse sticking out your marriage but should you divorce, there is no condemnation.' Gloria is the one who preached a hard message not Kenneth. don't want to fight over this. it is what it is. Kellie has been divorced 3 times and i wish her the best.

  45. why are we arguing over Steve and Kellie Swisher/Copeland. it's their life, their problem. who cares ?

    they have that precious child to raise.

  46. Hi All, i found your site while googling around. I was surprised to see that Kellie has dropped Swisher and is just Copeland so i decided to google and found you all.

    My question is this: when Kellie married Steve, in 08, the BVOV Broadcast had a two week special devoted to their meeting, courtship. Brother Copeland sought the Lord and God told him that Steve was Kellie's husband, ordained from the beginning of time.
    (watch the DVD).

    Kellie went on to teach how God had a Master plan and Steve was ordained before the foundation of the world to be her husband.

    I purchased the DVD's of the two weeks for my younger, unmarried sister. i have also loaned the DVD's to unmarried women.

    I am not judging, just asking, how do you explain this ?

    how do i explain this to an unmarried woman who struggles with her singleness and looked up to the Copland's and their teachings. Looking to Kellie's testimony as an example.

    again...not judging, just asking.

    1. The samm way you can ask "How are Christians always sick and some never get healed?" yet the Bible says by his stripes we are healed. It's either you believe the word or you don't. Additionally, I truly believe that it can be a generational curse. these things can pass down from way back when.

    2. I agree. so disappointing. seems like they (or she) loves the limelight of ministry more the integrity of her marriage relationship.

    3. i think Kellie married with since motives. she is beginning to come forward with the fact she had issues which is what she is talking about on the BVOV. The Word of Faith Movement never taught on emotions in the past but now recognize the need for that type of ministry. i think it took 3 divorces for them to realize this. in all sincerity, i wish Kellie nothing but the best. God can use her to minister to others.

  47. they don't practice what they prach

  48. Sometimes it can be demonic interference. No Christian should be quick to condemn, but we do love to do it don't we. I find Christians to be the biggest hypocrites. I think you should look into your own life and you will find plenty there to criticize. Just because you fall down does not mean you should run from the word of God. Grow up people.

  49. It's shameful the Kellie is now on her 3rd divorce. obviously not taking their marriage or obediance to God's word seriously.....no credibility in my books any more. :-(

    1. Oh my goodness! A perfect person to judge the rest of us! My you're smug address your own life... it's likely a mess!

  50. This comment has been removed by the author.

  51. It is not our place to judge anyone. The last time I read in the Bible that Jesus is our judge. We was not created to be judges. We was created for what God intended as good. But through Adam and Eve eating the fruit opened our eyes to sin and boy by these post on here we sure are good at it. Why are you wasting time on trying to figure out the way the Copelands?? We don't cast our eyes on man we keep our eyes on Jesus at all times the first time we follow the ways of man we are set up for failure with God its no failure Jesus is nothing but pure love.. Let's not forget that each and everyone of us will stand before Jesus on judgement day what if this one sin of casting stones at the Copelands kept you from entering in the Kingdom of Heaven?? I'm asking Jesus right now to forgive me from reading all this garbage and that I not give into my flesh of being one of those enquiring minds that just has to read the gossip I repent right now in Jesus name.. Lord as I leave this page I ask Lord that you deal with the one who opened this blog that you send your Holy Spirit to work on their heart and mind Let your love spring forth in them Father bring them to a heart of repentance and Lord that they will close this blog down in the Mighty Name Of Jesus.amen so be it.

  52. WOW how many more sex hunter Kellie is? it is BIG SHAME for Ken & his wife their Kellie tried as many sex as possible with every one of man she tried not to miss as many kids as possible Swisher is the only one can RUN forever Kellie MUST NOT BE teacher for kids it is VERY WRONG wow Kellie all this men you had sex is not enough for u to stay single at least from this time on do not hunt another one thanks God u are out of pregnancy no more kids in this world by your flesh Old Kellie ,,, wow SO MUCH sexes so MUCH horrible memory of your selfcenter pride

  53. Shut up every one stupid naive people saying not judge go to hell stupid Kellie supporters go to hell how many more sex Kellie need to try it is shame for her to tell kids how many men she tried yuk Kenneth BIG MOUTH you are dead to your private jets collecting by people money not care what happen to your OLDEST Kellie sex hunter,,,stupid Swisher destroy yourself by married Kellie now on RUN

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